Sunday, August 19, 2012

4 Months

These last four months have gone by so fast. I can't believe how much Jade has grown and changed since she was born. I am going to try and do a post about her every month until a year and then every year after that so I can keep up on the things she is doing and how much she has changed. So here are some pictures of her at 4 months.

Here are some things Jade is now doing at 4 months:

- smiles a lot
- likes to have long conversations with her daddy
- sucks on everything she gets her hands on
- drools like crazy
- has stopped sleeping through the night and it's killing me
- LOVES to be outside
- can roll from her back to her stomach, but not from her stomach to back
- Sleeps in her own room
- Rolls over in her sleep
- Has the cutest chubby cheeks and thighs
- Weighs about 13 lbs

We love everything about our baby J (what her daddy calls her)! Being her parents is the best blessing we could have ever received. We are so excited to continue to watch her learn and grow!

1 comment:

The Byers Family said...

She is do cute and growing so fast!